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July 14, 2009


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Barbara French

Hi Don, It was great to meet at the SNCR / Jeremiah event at your offices last month. I'm in! Let me know when you're ready to collaborate on this. Maybe a prelim brainstorm via group chat?

Don Bulmer

Hi Barbara:

Thanks for the comment and the offer to work together on this!

A few other people have reached out to me via email expressing interest to collaborate around these issues as well. I will look to bring people together to talk through an approach to address/evolve these issues over the next two weeks. I also want to reach out to Jen McClure (president of The Society of New Communication Research - SNCR) to identify a way to potentially integrate these ideas into SNCR research agenda.

This said, I already have a few primary research initiatives with SNCR underway that will look at the influence of social network on personal & professional decisions (two separate research projects). The first survey looking at influence on processional decision making will launch within the next 1-2 weeks. I am working on both initiatives with a colleague (and fellow) at SNCR - Vanessa DiMauro from Leader Networks. She is great!

Please stay tuned, on next steps. Again, thanks for the interest and support. I hope that we can use this effort to increase our understanding of the new rules of social influence that will allow us to advance and improve our effectiveness in working in the 'new world' (day-to-day) on all fronts.

Best regards,

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