As I recently discussed, Tom Foremski, Vanessa DiMauro and I have started a great collaboration – extending from of our work together at the Society for New Communications Research (SNCR).
The three of us meet regularly to discuss industry trends and share experiences from our respective work in media, business and technology. Our discussions have sharpened our individual and collective views on social media and social business that have helped us (or at least me, anyway) become more effective in our 'day jobs.'
Through our collaboration, we have also identified a great opportunity to share our experiences and ideas through a new blog, intended to help business leaders and practitioners understand how to incorporate social strategies and social thinking into the heart of their business operations (beyond marketing and communications) - strengthening the competitive position and market leadership of their companies.
Today we launched the blog Every Company is a Media Company. This blog is intended to support rich discussion between marketing and communications practitioners, business and IT professionals, academics, consultant, etc.
Here are a few excerpts from the welcome post authored by Tom:
Every company is affected...
Every Company is a Media Company (EC=MC) is the most important business transformation of our times because every company is affected.
It is also a massive business opportunity for so many businesses.
Every company is a media company becomes the point of the spear for new business for many companies across many sectors.
- Companies need help in mastering the best practices of being a media company.
- Management needs help in implementing the new business processes and in measuring progress.
- Companies will need new IT equipment, new software, new types of services, and more...
There will be opportunities for vendors of all types, armies of consultants, experts of all stripes, media professionals, teachers, authors...Beyond social media...
Every company is a media company moves beyond the current focus on social media. Social media is just one aspect of a company's media strategy.
Social media is not enough, companies have to focus on their entire media strategy, it becomes integral to their core business strategy.
You have to be involved...
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