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June 13, 2010


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Kathy Klotz-Guest

Great post, Don. All the above is true. Much of the research and literature focuses on qualities of individuals and these are important, no question. However, it's also the quality of group dynamics and collaboration that brings innovations to life. Part of the DNA of innovation in a culture is how the group together moves from ideas to development and fruition.

No corporate idea is ever brought to commercial viability without the collaborative efforts of a team. Innovation is a group narrative.

Supporting creativity and innovation in the workplace requires a commitment to strengthening individual creativity, team collaboration, and corporate culture. And since incremental evolutions govern innovation, creating an innovative culture is an investment in the long-run. As Keith Sawyer, author of Group Genius explains, group improvisation (i.e., collaboration) exponentially improves corporate innovation.

Don Bulmer

Hi Kathy -

You are so right!

Thank you for the comment and added value to the post!


Peter Auditore

Innovative leadership and design thinking go together and sometimes the simplest of actions results in the most innovative results. Good leaders always ask the right questions and this is part of seeing the forest not just the trees. Key to leadership is vision and strategy and the ability to be believable with passion.We always ask why not and don't take no for an answer. But innovative leadership is dependent on architecting the right teams and culture. Without the chemistry and team culture innovative leadership become frustration for the leader. In other words, you can't make Huskies run like greyhounds.The greatest example of innovative leadership in the FINS industry is the story of why Merrill Lynch couldn't and Charles Schwab did. Dennis Komanski decided that high networth clients would not trade over the Internet. Chuck said they would and took billions in market share from Merrill. This is a great example of innovative leadership at Schwab because Chuck had a great vision understood the market better and took advantage of the technology.Chuck didn't ask the right questions, he executed on vision and strategy and had an innovative culture in place to serve him.

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