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August 09, 2010


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peter auditore


Great post as usual, the opportunity exists for Forrester, IDC and Gartner to innovate their business models to address the needs of business today, but both companies are too mired in the EAST coast culture to adapt. Remember in the world of Darwin it is not the strongest and biggest that win, it is those that adapt to their conditions that survive.

IDC at least has gone global,however, they are not addressing the widening gap between LOB and IT. This is where the money is and we are seeing a new breed of influencer nearly every week called the business influencer emerge and they are working with LOB more than IT. Business influencers understand technology enough to be dangerous but really understand the business value of it and how to implement it. Analysts sitting in silos focused on the bells and whistles of technology can't help business address pain. Business influencers and an increasing corp of Academics can and are doing it. It is like the old Socrates saying the very thing that made you great will be your undoing.


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