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June 26, 2011


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Peter Auditore


As usual nice and well thought out blog and tremendously worthy causes. The challenges will be the limitations from governments, especially China and the middle east where information and control of it limit the power of the people. Social media as it has evolved is a perfect platform for community building as we shown with our SAP experiments with MyVenturePad.com and thesocialcustomer.com. Managing those communities globally will be another significant challenge moving forward for this initiative.

Michael Kelly

Don, Thanks for your efforts to help bring this to our attention. We've been interested in making a contribution to help solve the Big Problems for some time now with new tools for better Thinking,better Communication and better Execution (ETC, for short). I put this on our signup at 7 Billion. They wont have a clue what it is but we will have to tell them sometime. How do we do that?

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